Life as a playwright

Hi again.

In case you missed the playwright page on this site, I am also a playwright and as I’m writing this post I had finished working on something new which I’m hoping it’ll be up in 2025. All I can say is that it’s an adaptation and it takes place during Christmas. If it ever get’s produced I’ll definitely post about it. Now that I’ve finished that adaptation, I can work on an original idea that I’ve had kicking around in my brain.

Anyway, I’m learning more and more about myself as a writer the more I continue to work on my next script. I try to give myself a deadline so I could finish the project within a timely manner. Another thing I’ve learned, through a friend of mine (who is a copyright lawyer) is that once you get the copyright, make sure that it expires seventy years after your death in your will. I guess if you have a friend who’s a lawyer, pay attention to their advice. It may save your butt one day.

I do like writing, I really do, but the one thing I do not love about it is the occasional writer's block. I believe that I had this idea for about two years (maybe one year ) I don't remember but I have a basic outline and other basics when writing a script. I have even given myself a deadline for next year to finish it. Right now I'm just hoping that writer's block doesn't get me.

Until next time,



Summer of shows


First few weeks of Evita rehearsal